FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

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The shipping time is 1 to 2 weeks, unless indicated in the banner at the top of the page. It varies depending on the available stock and the number of orders over the period.


Shipping costs are determined based on the weight of the order and are calculated at the time of payment, depending on the delivery method chosen.


We deliver to France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands.

You can choose the delivery method at the time of payment.

For France

Here are the three delivery methods offered and their specific features:

  • Green letter tracking – La Poste:

Letter delivered to home within 3 working days (indicative time).

The letter cannot exceed 2kg and 3cm thick, if the order exceeds these measurements, it will be sent by Colissimo.

  • Colissimo delivery:

Package delivered to your home within 2 working days (indicative time).

  • Delivery to collection point – Mondial Relay:

Package delivered to relay point in 3 working days (indicative time).

The collection point must be selected from the list provided in the “Ship to collection point” tab.

For other countries

Here is the delivery method offered and its specific features:

  • Delivery to collection point – Mondial Relay:

Package delivered to a relay point within 3 working days (indicative time) for Belgium and Luxembourg.

Package delivered to a relay point in 5 working days (indicative time) for Spain, Portugal and the Netherlands.

Please note (for countries outside France), Mondial Relay collection points are not available in the "Ship to collection point" tab.

The collection point must therefore be determined and communicated preferably before payment in the “Special instructions regarding the order” box. You can consult and choose the available relay points on the Mondial Relay website for your country.

If the collection point is not communicated to us before payment, you can contact us via the contact form on the site or at the email address contact@creaemeline.com .

Otherwise, you will receive an email from Mondial Relay to select the relay point of your choice and thus finalize your order. If you do not respond, we will assign the collection point closest to you.


According to the right of withdrawal, you have a period of 14 days from the date of receipt of the package to change your mind. You can return products that are not opened or used.

Return costs are the responsibility of the buyer. Reimbursement excluding shipping costs will be made upon receipt of the package.

An email must be sent to the email address contact@creaemeline.com before returning the package.

The return address is:

Emeline DAVID


3 Rue Henri Rabourdin

78140 Velizy-Villacoublay